The Importance of Client Onboarding for Business Longevity

rujuta rane
December 8, 2023

Now that you’ve made a sale, you could choose to thank your customer and
move on graciously. Alternatively, you can also try to understand better what value they require from your business and find ways to deliver it.

The latter is the cornerstone of customer onboarding.

To explain, customer onboarding is the process — flowing from the initial sign-up to service activation — which your new customers will go through to familiarize themselves with your services and products. Therefore, your business’s customer onboarding process is probably the most critical stage in your customer lifecycle management.

Here are the top reasons explaining how customer onboarding can impact your business and why you should plan it well.

Deliver Value at a Critical Point:

Onboarding helps you deliver value and make your customer’s initial interactions with your services smooth and seamless. First impressions created by your onboarding processes make a difference and are one of the best ways to connect with your customer right from the word go!

A proactive strategy will help you set the tone for a long-term engagement.

Customer Satisfaction:

Every business wants happy customers coming back for more. However, if you implement a dull, hap-hazard customer onboarding process, you will turn off customers and lose them to your competition, who may have a better way of onboarding.

Surpass Client Expectations:

For customers, if there’s anything more desirable than satisfaction with a purchase, it reaches that level when the service received outperforms their expectations. So naturally, the idea of money well spent can only bring good news for the business. This is one big reason you should go all out to deliver a great customer onboarding experience that is user-friendly, simple, and seamless, all in one.

Customers get irked if you bother them with tedious and lengthy processes
and can be super-relieved (if not delighted) when they have a smooth run
during the onboarding.

Improved Efficiency and Revenue Growth:

Onboarding customers is not a ‘one size fits all’ approach. To explain, in a bank or financial services organization, the onboarding process varies based on the onboarding of a retail customer, corporate banking customer, or commercial customer.

Streamlining onboarding will help you address your different customer segments’ unique needs. It allows you also to speed up the acquisition
process, eliminating unwanted delays and prolonged time-to-cash cycles, which may otherwise affect daily operations and lead to considerable loss of revenue for your bank. Saving time is crucial for recurring-revenue businesses that must engage and demonstrate their value monthly based on revenue targets.

Implementing appropriate onboarding depending on your different customer profiles reduce unnecessary costs, drive efficiencies, and enhances customer experience and overall satisfaction with your service.

Your customers will tell their friends about you:

This hardly needs explaining. Want your customers to put in a good word for you? Your satisfied customers are sure to recommend you within their network. Every business fancies the benefits of word-of-mouth marketing.

Enhances Business Potential:

Understanding your customer’s feedback during the onboarding process can offer rich insights into the evolving needs and expectations across critical jurisdictions and help scale your business with minimal risks.

Builds Customer Loyalty:

Happy customers are more likely to keep returning and buying from you again! Having a loyal customer base is a precious asset for every business
because maintaining an existing customer is much easier and less expensive than acquiring a new one.

Zazzy Onboarding Best Practices:

We know that each client is unique, and so are their requirements. At Zazzy, we customize our onboarding practices for our marketing and UI//UX
clients to provide a smooth experience.

By offering our customers a complete perspective of our organizational philosophy, workflow processes, and approach, we set the tone for transparent and enriching business relationships.

Welcoming our Marketing clients

We credit much of our success to the emphasis on understanding our clients and their requirements to tailor solutions to meet these objectives accordingly.

Google form surveys help us learn about the brand, its perceptions, and the short-term and long-term goals.

The onboarding continues as we connect with our customers through personal interactions comprising kickstart calls for more insights. At this
point, we also introduce the core project team composed of the primary and support designers.

Accessibility and time management are critical for our customer’s business growth. By ensuring accessibility to a dedicated Zazzy team member at all times, the goal is to facilitate a smooth and uninterrupted workflow managed well within the timelines.

At Zazzy, we consciously avoid the ‘blind-mice’ approach. We are a team
that works best when we infuse our creative process into a practical idea. We use all the insights gained to create unique Mood Boards for each client to help us understand the design direction that best resonates with their likes and dislikes.
This framework underpins the various initiatives and innovations that we then work toward — tweaking, reshaping, and evolving along the journey with our customers!

Welcoming our UI/UX clients

The fact that most of our UI/UX clients come onboard as retainers speak for our domain expertise and skilled team. The UI/UX space offers one of the most dynamic innovation opportunities that catapult a business to the next level. The gold rule — know your target audience and needs — still applies! There are no shortcuts to the top.

At Zazzy, it’s all in the details. We dive right in to understand our client’s design and direction goals while complementing their objectives with our superior capabilities. With our customer’s inputs, we create a strategic road map, establishing the prerequisites and evaluating the opportunities and challenges (after all, it’s essential to weigh the pros and cons, right?).

Once a perspective is developed, the Zazzy team gets to the creatively high-octane zone, coming up with agendas and design sprints. And all this
without losing contact with ground reality, research, and competitor analysis!


The client onboarding process is critical in your customer-relationship management game plan in a services business. It can determine whether a customer is in for the long haul or likely to churn after just a few months. If properly implemented, your onboarding process can prove the value of your service and drive success. But if executed poorly, your customers will drift away sooner or later.

While comprising one of the more subtle components of marketing, customer onboarding practices are constantly evolving to match the dynamics of customer behaviour and trends. Therefore, your strategy should be consistently adapted and optimized.

Most importantly, don’t feel disheartened if you take a few wrong turns. It might call for an entire gamut of relevant trial and error before you lock in an impeccable customer onboarding process in the early stages of implementation.

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